
Police Substation Plans Progress

A police substation serving the canyon area of east Anaheim is scheduled to open in November or December of next year, city officials said this week.

City Council members were updated Tuesday on the progress of the $7.6-million facility, known as the Canyon Police Substation. The city will begin seeking bids on June 20, officials said, with the council to consider awarding the construction contract in mid-July.

The 36,000-square-foot facility is to be at Monte Vista Road and Dream Street, next to Sycamore Park, and will serve about 80,000 residents.


Robert De Paola, project coordinator for the Police Department’s Community Services Division, said the substation will be built in a Mediterranean style with a red tile roof, a patio and outdoor planters so that it will blend with nearby homes.

“We didn’t want a granite fortress out there,” De Paola said.

“I think it’s very attractive,” Mayor Tom Daly said after examining a scale model and watching a computer-generated video of how the police facility will look.

The substation will have space for as many as 100 sworn officers and about 60 support personnel. Plans also call for six jail cells and a 100-seat community room.
