
Panel Favors Water Tank Antennas

Applications to attach 20 microwave antennas to the side of water tanks in two locations have been approved by the Planning Commission.

City officials were pleased with a design that will make the Cox California PCS Inc. antennas barely noticeable on the Moulton Niguel Water District tanks at 23391 Via Bahia and 26852 Preciados Drive.

“The antennas are wrapped around the tanks,” said Community Development Director Clint Sherrod. “You will hardly be able to see them.”


Also at the Preciados location, the telecommunications company asked for permission to dismantle an existing 60-foot antenna pole and construct a 2,725-square-foot storage building. Both requests were approved by the commission.

A separate application by L.A. Cellular to place a 60-foot pole at 26742 Camino Capistrano was postponed by request of the company.
