
Job Fair Scheduled at Community Center

Representatives from more than 25 area employers and agencies are expected Saturday at a job fair in Canoga Park.

The fair marks the first anniversary of the Canoga Park Community Center.

Employers including Best Buy, Mervyn’s department store, the Los Angeles Police Department, Federal Express, Marriott Hotels and Canoga Tool International will be on hand to discuss current openings and future job opportunities.

Professional career counselors and resume-writing consultants will also be available to help applicants sharpen their job-hunting skills.


The fair is open to applicants of all ages, but according to coordinator Brenda Sykes, “We are particularly interested in assisting San Fernando Valley residents who may have been impacted by the 1994 Northridge earthquake.”

Sykes said the job fair has been organized to involve the whole community, including a number of scheduled activities for children.

For high school and college students seeking their first job, there will be representatives from the Summer Youth Employment Program. Other recruiters skilled in helping mature workers return to the job market are also expected to attend.


Saturday’s fair will run from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Canoga Park Community Center, 21600 Hart St. For more information, call (818) 716-9698.
