

Internet Connections: Microsoft Corp. will conduct a seminar on the Internet for small-business owners Thursday evening at the Small Business Development Center in Torrance. Admission is $10. Information: (310) 787-6466.

Business Women’s Conference: Gloria Steinem, former First Lady Betty Ford and television producer Marcy Carsey will be featured speakers at a Long Beach conference May 17-18 titled “Uncommon Women on Common Ground.” Sponsored by Women Inc., a nonprofit women’s business group, the event is expected to draw 5,000 women to more than 70 seminars and workshops on business start-ups, expansion and operations. Information: (800) 930-3993.

Mattel’s Founder: Ruth Handler, co-founder in 1944 of Mattel Inc. and the firm’s CEO for 30 years, will discuss the Barbie doll phenomenon and her years in business, as well as sign copies of her new book, “Dream Doll,” at a fund-raising dinner at 6 p.m. May 20 at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Century City. The event will benefit Women in Business, a nonprofit women’s group. Tickets are $45 in advance, $50 at the door. Information: (213) 461-2936.


Small Business and the Web: The basics of getting wired on the Web will be presented at 6:30 p.m. June 3 by the USC Business Expansion Network. The workshop--$25 prepaid, $30 at the door--will be presented at the University Village Shopping Center, Suite I. Information: (213) 743-1726.

Laptop Tips: A workshop on how small businesses can use portable computers will be held June 4 at the Torrance Small Business Development Center. Additional workshops are scheduled on other topics. Fee is $10. Information: (310) 786-6466.

Capital-Raising Seminar: A free seminar on raising capital to grow your manufacturing business will be held Wednesday from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the California Manufacturing Technology Center, 13430 Hawthorne Blvd. The seminar, sponsored by the Southwest Los Angeles County Small Business Development Center and the California Manufacturing Technology Center, will present several ways to raise money, including SBA guaranteed loan programs and venture capital, as well as the nuts and bolts of documentation and business plans.


Small-Business Summit: Earl Graves Jr., chief operating officer and co-publisher of Black Enterprise magazine, will speak at the “Business Summit” sponsored by New Leaders, a nonprofit group designed to increase the economic power of the African American community. Topics during the conference, which begins at 9 a.m. Saturday at the Biltmore Hotel in downtown Los Angeles, include obtaining venture capital, building a franchise chain and acquiring an existing business. Cost is $60 in advance and $75 at the door. Information: (213) 650-8532.
