
L.A. General Plan

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A letter (April 21) regarding proposed revisions to the Los Angeles General Plan Framework contained items which warrant a response.

The proposed framework is the work of the Department of City Planning, with able assistance from private consultants and the public through over 100 public meetings, hearings and an extraordinary amount of public testimony. The proposed plan was not developed, directly or indirectly, by the mayor’s office. This revision of the city’s General Plan, as well as research and preparations, began approximately five years ago under the previous mayoral administration.

The writer doesn’t mention the numerous positive ideas in the framework to enhance our city’s neighborhoods; among them, expansion of efforts to improve neighborhood and community design and open space, to raise the quality of building design citywide, to create streets which emphasize the pedestrian and to promote “traffic calming” techniques in residential neigborhoods.


It is our hope that the planning process used to develop and implement the framework is part of a broad effort to maintain and improve the quality of life in Los Angeles.


Director of Planning

Los Angeles
