
He Wished Upon a Star and Got the Castle

Speaking of medieval architecture, now comes word that Michael Jackson has purchased a French castle to indulge his Disney fetish.

Although the property’s exact location has not been disclosed, Jackson’s publicist said the singer has been scouring the French countryside for months trying to find a chateau that resembles Disney’s signature Sleeping Beauty castle. Jackson apparently developed this castle obsession last year upon a visit to Euro Disneyland, which boasts a more elaborate version of the original Sleeping Beauty Castle in Anaheim.

Jackson lives in his own world, but he could use a geography lesson. Walt Disney’s inspiration for his trademark faux chateau was the Neuschwanstein Castle, which is in Germany, not France.


Now owned by the German government, the Neuschwanstein was built by Ludwig II, the “Mad King of Bavaria,” and is definitely not for sale--not even to the mega-rich King of Pop.


Marla Dickerson covers tourism for The Times. She can be reached at (714) 966-5670 and at [email protected].
