
Growth Controls Are Priority to Many

In a March 31 article, your reporter inaccurately portrayed my position on a specific growth issue in Camarillo.

The focus of our discussion was on land use decisions being determined by ballot initiative actions, versus by elected officials adhering to existing growth policies. I specifically stated my position supporting Ventura County’s Guidelines for Orderly Development and emphasized the responsibility of elected representatives abiding by our land use processes and guidelines.

At no time did I express opposition to Camarillo’s growth control ordinance--Measure A. In fact, Measure A is a solid example of how to establish growth controls via a clearly defined process. I believe Measure A has served the Camarillo community well, and I strongly support it as the blueprint for our growth balance.


In talking with constituents throughout the 3rd District, I know that growth controls are a priority for them. Preserving Ventura County’s quality of life will require positive partnerships among government, education, business and citizens. Together, we can develop balanced solutions that accommodate our need for a healthy economic base, good public services, and protection of our land use guidelines.


Candidate 3rd District Supervisor
