
Marlon Brando, Racist or Just Candid?

Re “Brando’s Remarks” (Morning Report, April 8): This is the letter I would send directly to Marlon Brando if I had his current address.

Dear Marlon: Having worked with you and known you personally since the 1970s, I am shocked by the latest reporting of your anti “old-time” Jewish remarks. Considering the current rise of hate groups in the U.S. today, why would you give them extra fuel to feed their fire of bigotry? Your incendiary remarks are prime examples of a lack of “sensitivity.” I always thought of you as a man that stood for greater racial and ethnic tolerance. Why couch your anti-Establishment opinion in a racial framework?




Marlon Brando an anti-Semite? Not on the evidence presented by Irv Rubin and a few Jewish leaders.


I’ve led the fight against anti-Semitism and related hate for more than 15 years. Brando didn’t demean all Jews, only “some Jews” in Hollywood with a seamy side. And much of Hollywood is run by Jews who, because of the past suffering of their people, should be more sensitive about moral issues and the suffering of others. That’s an honest opinion--and whether true or false, a person has a right to say it without being branded a racist.

I’m no fan of Brando, but a racist he ain’t. And shame on my friend Irv Rubin for saying to Brando: “We’re going to make the rest of your life a living hell.” With 200 hate groups targeting Jews and other minorities, we don’t have enough real bigotry to fight without creating more?!

Let’s get real. Brando was profuse in his praise of Jewish people. He also called attention to a few in Hollywood who--like their Gentile counterparts--benefit themselves while demeaning others. Does the shoe fit?



Shalom International



I was very disgusted by the comments made by Marlon Brando on “Larry King Live.” As a Gentile of East Asian origin, I can speak without bias regarding the many positive contributions of the Jewish community to the cause of civil rights for all minority groups. Brando’s statements confirm what I have thought of him all along--that he is a compassion fascist, someone who demonizes good people, good institutions, all in the name of favoring a just society.


