
Firm to Create Secure Internet Link for Red Cross

HLC.internet has announced a comprehensive worldwide system to allow the secure exchange of information via the Internet between more than 1.4 million American Red Cross workers with access to personal computers.

The system, which is expected to become operational this month, will provide vital information to the Red Cross’ volunteers and paid staff, officials said.

HLC, based in Irvine, has a branch office in Ventura. The Red Cross has chapters in Ventura and Simi Valley.


“This joint effort by the American Red Cross and HLC.internet . . . is unprecedented in the not-for-profit community,” said Scott Purcell, HLC’s founder and president. “It will provide instant communication, [which is] critical in emergencies such as disasters, and result in lower communications costs for the entire American Red Cross.”

HLC will provide the Red Cross with capabilities beyond its current public Internet site, as well as the entirely new internal Intranet.

“This is a significant technological opportunity for [us],” said Edward Stern of the Red Cross. “This entire idea started shortly after the Oklahoma City bombing last year and was again re-emphasized this past summer during the busy hurricane season.


“We found that our public web site was not only being utilized by the public looking for current information, but that our own volunteer and paid staff were also looking for the ability to securely exchange information and ideas through this medium.”

Examples of information that will be available only to Red Cross workers through this service are:

* Virtual meetings and classrooms.

* Daily corporate news and information from all service areas of the organization.

* Policy manuals, organization guidelines and project status reports.

* Online ordering for their internal supply warehouse.
