

Opening the door to the replacement of the Covina Fire Department with Los Angeles County firefighters, the City Council has voted to pay the county for a report detailing how much it would charge to provide the community’s fire protection.

Fire Chief Ken Lavoie told the City Council on Tuesday that the $7,500 report is needed for him to decide whether it is in the best interests of the community to keep the city’s own department or change to county fire protection.

He said two major city fires in an apartment building and a medical building in the last few years have illustrated the need to invest about $820,000 in the Covina Fire Department for more equipment and additional firefighters to ensure that it can respond to such emergencies. The county has much of the needed equipment already.


“This has to be looked at carefully,” said Mayor Linda Sarver, who supports a full-service city and fears a change to county service could impinge on Covina’s independence. She also is concerned about whether the change would save money in the long term. “I don’t want to go with the county for a two-year savings and find a big bill down the road,” she said.
