
TV Deception

Tom Shales’ article was an accurate description of the deception perpetrated on the viewing public (“CBS Follows the Scent of Missing Pearls,” Feb. 28.)

I was one of those fooled, not once, but twice!

On Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 8 p.m. on ABC, I, again, unwittingly watched a half-hour commercial describing the “wonders” of “Disney World” under the guise of the “Roseanne” show!

To paraphrase Tom Shales’ sentence:

I resent the fact that advertising was disguised as entertainment; it was blatantly an infomercial.


I never thought Roseanne would stoop to, nor allow, that commercial level of programming for “her” show.

Fooled once (Monday, CBS), shame on you;

Fooled twice (Tuesday, ABC), shame on me!

I will not be caught in that web again!


San Juan Capistrano
