
Council Voices Its Support of Measure S

Saying that flights to and from a proposed commercial airport at the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station could disturb Tustin residents, the City Council this week voted unanimously to support the passage of Measure S on the Tuesday’s ballot.

“It’s going to be just another LAX,” Councilman Michael J. Doyle said of the proposal.

Mayor Jim Potts suggested that a better use for the site would be a transportation hub with rail service. “I don’t think we can handle another airport in this area,” he said.

Measure S would block a plan to develop an airport on about 2,000 of the base’s 4,700 acres when it closes in 1999. Technically, Measure S would repeal Measure A, which was narrowly approved by voters in 1994.


“I was opposed to Measure A because it’s ballot box planning, and I’m against that,” Councilman Thomas R. Saltarelli said.
