
Boy, 5, Run Over Twice but Only Scratched

A 5-year-old boy riding his tricycle near a mini-mall was run over twice by a motorist Saturday night, but survived with only minor scratches, authorities said.

The unidentified boy suffered tread marks across the left side of his face, head and shoulders, according to Brian Humphrey, spokesman for the Los Angeles Fire Department.

The child, described by Humphrey as “conscious but mildly confused,” was airlifted to Childrens Hospital in Los Angeles. A hospital spokesman said the boy received several scrapes, but was in good condition and was expected to be released later that evening.


The boy was riding his tricycle on the sidewalk near the intersection of Saticoy Street and Lankershim Boulevard about 5 p.m., when he was struck by a vehicle leaving the parking lot, Humphrey said.

Witnesses started screaming and the driver, who did not realize he had hit the little boy, reversed his vehicle and ran over the child a second time, Humphrey said.

Several bystanders started fighting with the driver, Humphrey said. The driver, who was not identified, was not seriously injured and declined medical treatment, Humphrey said.


Police said the driver was not at fault.
