
Reseda High School Can House Gifted Program

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Jeff Horton called the “height of . . . arrogance” the Los Angeles School Board postponement of a vote that would convert four Valley high schools to a year-round calendar (“Board Postpones Year-Round Schools Vote,” Jan. 23). The parents and students of North Hollywood Highly Gifted Magnet were criticized for “elitism” for their educational concerns prompting the postponement. But despite the bitterness and vitriol, perhaps the delay will allow the parties involved to seek a sensible alternate solution.

The addition of a ninth-grade class will result in the overcrowding of North Hollywood High, forcing the school to adopt the multitrack calendar. But the campus hosts two magnet schools!

Is the year-round calendar and its inherent problems the only remedy? Why not move the gifted magnet to an underenrolled campus? This would alleviate the crowding at North Hollywood, keep the gifted magnet on a traditional calendar that would permit participation in summer educational programs and use excellent available facilities.


Reseda High School is a conveniently located, newly renovated, clean, beautiful, safe campus that already houses our Environmental / Physical Sciences Magnet Center. Reseda offers many other advantages, and we would welcome relocation of the North Hollywood Highly Gifted Magnet to our site. This alternative to the current stalemate would allow all parties to gain.

The professional staff of Reseda Magnet hopes the LAUSD School Board’s decision on this will be determined not for political expediency but for sound educational principles that serve the best interests of students.


Recalde is a co-coordinator at Reseda Environmental / Physical Sciences Magnet High School.
