
SANTA ANA : School Board Meetings Will Be Televised

The school board will invest as much as $150,000 to buy video cameras so that future board meetings can be televised.

The cameras will be installed at the new Chestnut Avenue headquarters of the Santa Ana Unified School District, which will open by mid-December. Broadcasts will be on local cable Channel 55, the school board decided at Thursday’s meeting.

Only two district meetings have been televised this year: one in January to discuss fallout from the Orange County bankruptcy and one this month on district goals.


The board was prompted to consider televising all meetings after a positive response from the community.

Kathi Jo Brunning, president of the Santa Ana Council of PTAs, addressed the board in support of televised meetings: “It’s really important to promote something this district has always emphasized: parent and community involvement.”

Bob Reed, director of media services, said the district expects to buy four video cameras so that telecasts can include shots of board members, speakers and the audience. Students from the Century High School Mass Media program would operate the equipment at no cost to the district, he said.
