
FULLERTON : School Overcrowding Prompts Revision of District Transfer Rules

Because of an unexpected increase in enrollment, the Fullerton School District is restating its transfer policy to make clear that principals may reject student transfer requests during the first four weeks of school.

District officials said they projected that 11,007 students would be enrolled in district schools as of this week. But 11,535 students are now attending the district’s 14 elementary and three junior high schools.

The pupil increase prompted the district to hire two teachers and also resulted in about 10 transfer students, most of whom do not live in the city, being turned away.


School board members have said that they do not want to reject transfers, but the policy revision, set for a final vote on Oct. 10, would clearly allow transfer revocations in overcrowded situations.

The policy would allow no transfer rejections after the first month of school, however, and would include a priority schedule to specify which students would be turned away should overcrowding occur.

New transfer students who do not live in the city would be the first affected.
