
San Gabriel Valley : Aging Reserve Center Studied

Its foundation bears cracks left behind by the Northridge earthquake. The roof leaks. And U.S. Marines who work there say they’ve learned the hard way exactly how many small appliances they can plug in before the electricity short-circuits.

There’s no question that the Pasadena Marine Corps Reserve Center could use some work, according to its commanding officer, Major Steven H. Futch.

On Tuesday, House and Senate appropriation committees agreed that the center should be renovated or rebuilt on its existing site. The issue was scheduled to go before the full House later this week, said Rep. David Dreier (R-San Dimas).


“It’s a completely antiquated building,” Futch said. He said a city study concluded that it would cost about the same to repair the building, which was constructed in the 1940s, as to demolish it and rebuild. “The next earthquake, who knows? It may come crumbling down.”

A 325-person unit of weekend warriors trains on the one-acre complex under the direction of 40 active-duty Marines
