
Woodland Hills : Fund-Raiser Planned for Pierce’s Pool

A community group formed to benefit the Pierce College swimming pool has scheduled a fund-raiser for the facility.

The event, “Swim for Pierce Pool,” will be held from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 16 at the facility.

Friends of Pierce Pool hopes to raise $5,000, which would be spent on creating shade for the deck and seating for swimmers and spectators. Funds would also be used for pool equipment and to renovate the water-filtration system, said Steve Schofield, a spokesman for the group.


He said that swimmers will earn pledge money based on the number of laps they swim. Anyone interested is invited to participate.

The money raised will be placed into a tax-deductible account managed by the Foundation for Pierce College, he said.

In previous fund-raisers, Schofield said, the group has raised more than $15,000 for the pool. That money was used to purchase a new pool heater, replaster the pool and add a state-of-the-art ozone/bromide sanitation system.


For information, call Friends of Pierce Pool at (818) 347-8075.
