
Maternity Bill

Your Sept. 1 editorial opposing a bill to protect mothers and newborn babies demonstrates exactly why regulatory oversight of health care is desperately needed.

AB 1841 would prohibit the disgraceful practice of HMOs and other insurers who are forcing new moms out of hospitals before it is safe, or they are ready to go home. AB 1841 takes the decision to discharge out of the hands of the business executives and restores it to the care giver and patient, where it belongs.

You assume the industry will police itself. But its failure to do so--while placing profit over care--is exactly what has created the hue and cry over drive-by deliveries in the first place.


Our members have seen many babies returning to hospitals or clinics with dangerous dehydration and fevers due to premature discharge, and scores of new moms unable to properly feed their babies because they were pushed out the door before receiving adequate education and support.

What should be preventive care has become prevention of care. With safe care on the critical list, stronger public regulation is essential.


California Nurses Assn.

San Francisco
