
San Gabriel Valley : Miller Brewery Fights Water Reclamation

Miller Brewing Co. is escalating its fight against efforts to convert sewage into drinking water for San Gabriel Valley customers--including its Irwindale brewery--by challenging two similar water recycling projects.

The beer company is asking the state Regional Water Quality Board for further study of whether reclaimed water carries certain viruses, such as polio, before the projects can continue operation.

One of those projects has for three decades provided recycled water to 3.5 million consumers in an area stretching from Whittier to Long Beach. There have not been any reports of health problems there, according to county sanitation district officials.


The other challenge is to a soon-to-be-built reclamation project in the east San Fernando Valley, which the city says will serve 3.6 million people.

City and county officials have said that reclamation protects customers from rationing and higher water bills.
