
County Jury System

* None of the 10 points proposed by Superior Court Judge Gary Klausner to save the jury system gets to the “gut issues” that are the most grievous to many jurors (Commentary, June 18). My four tours of L.A. County jury duty in the last 10 years gave me plenty of time to commiserate with fellow jurors and twice I wrote to judges expressing some of the following.

The biggest gripe is being “used” by a system that places winning over justice despite all the rhetoric; insults prospective jurors in the selection process through attorney games; is carried by retirees and government employees, and considers the jury pool an unlimited reservoir of faceless people who can be shuttled around to make up for attorney delays and court inefficiencies. Here are my recommendations: Judges select jurors; and, once a case is started there are no continuances or delays.


