
Letter From the Editor

This is a moving weekend for the Ventura County Edition of The Times.

We are moving our main editorial and advertising offices to downtown Ventura, making our own contribution to the revitalization of the city’s center.

As of Monday, we will be in the former Santa Barbara Savings & Loan building at Santa Clara and Chestnut streets. This will probably be the only newsroom in America with its own bank vault, a feature that has given rise to any number of bad jokes about how we protect our news sources.

But that graceful building, with its high arch windows and central location, will give us more room to accommodate the growing Ventura County Edition so we can better serve Times readers and advertisers.


While the inside is ready to house our corps of editors, reporters, photographers and advertising representatives, the outside of the building is still a work in progress. When the scaffolding comes off later this summer, you will see a new face that will complement downtown Ventura’s drive toward a renaissance.


Julia C. Wilson

Ventura County Editor
