
No Celebration at This ‘Club’

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What happens when a nice Jewish boy falls in love with a German skinhead?

Yes , we know the problem rarely arises in everyday life, or even on trashy talk shows. But Jordan Sidney Beswick has made it the centerpiece of “Club Hell,” his wretched new play at Celebration Theatre.

In this seriocomic one-act, Beswick gives viewers many points to ponder: Is Seth (Scott Fowler), the buff Jewish guy who goes boy-crazy for a neo-Nazi named Deutsche (Doug Kruse), the biggest schlemiel in the world? Why does Deutsche act and sound like Col. Klink from TV’s “Hogan’s Heroes”? Was it misguided Weltschmerz or mere desperation that made director-producer Robert Schrock bother with a play that rivals Mel Brooks’ “Springtime for Hitler” for bad taste?

For voyeurs, a couple of graphic sex scenes may lessen the pain of the $15 admission. For everyone else, “Club Hell” requires a bit too much of the viewer’s time and money to qualify as a cheap thrill.


The title refers to a fictional nightclub frequented by both straight and gay New Yorkers. Beswick invokes the name as a running joke, as in “I’ve just gone to Hell.” Believe me, it’s just as funny the fifth time around.

* “Club Hell,” Celebration Theatre, 7051 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood. Sundays-Tuesdays, 8 p.m. Ends Aug. 8. $15 . (213) 660-8587. Running time: 1 hour, 50 minutes.
