
NORTHERN EXPOSURE: If you’re making Labor Day...

NORTHERN EXPOSURE: If you’re making Labor Day weekend travel plans for a jaunt to Tuktoyaktuk in Canada’s Northwest Territories (you know, it’s just up the road from Inuvik), here’s some good news: There’s going to be a pretty spectacular rock concert going on there, with Metallica, Hole and Veruca Salt all lined up to perform.

The bad news is that the show is invitation-only.

The event is being staged as the prize for 500 winners of a contest just begun by a Canadian beer company.

“Part of the reason you get into rock ‘n’ roll is to see places you could never see otherwise,” says Cliff Burnstein, whose Q Prime company manages the three bands. “And there’s a vibe about going up there and playing just for 500 people. Last time Metallica played anywhere it was for God-knows-how-many people.”
