
The Royal Danish Ballet has announced principal...

The Royal Danish Ballet has announced principal casting for its May 23-28 engagement at the Orange County Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa. May 23 and 25, 8 p.m.: “La Sylphide” (Bournonville-Schaufuss/Lovenskjold): Rose Gad, Johan Kobborg, Alexander Kolpin, Kirsten Simone. May 24, 8 p.m.: “La Sylphide”: Silja Schandorff, Lloyd Riggins, Kolpin, Flemming Ryberg. May 26 and 27, 8 p.m.: “A Folk Tale” (Bournonville/Gade and Hartmann): Gad, Lise Stripp, Jette Buchwald, Kolpin, Riggins, Simone. May 27 and 28, 2 p.m.: “A Folk Tale”: Schandorff, Petrusjka Broholm, Eva Kloborg, Kenn Hauge, Peter Bo Bendixen, Simone.

The company needs women, girls, men and boys for various roles in “La Sylphide” and “A Folk Tale.” Dance experience unnecessary for most roles. Auditions are May 22 at 6:30 p.m. at the center. To reserve space: (714) 556-2787, Ext. 557.

Compiled by Ken Williams
