
Brandon PachecoBrethren Christian, SeniorTrack and fieldFor two...

Brandon Pacheco

Brethren Christian, Senior

Track and field

For two years, Pacheco hasn’t lost an Olympic League race in either track or cross-country. This track season, he’s going after the rest of the county. “At the beginning of the season,” Coach Ed Cashman said, “I didn’t know if he’d be good or if he’d break through and be great.” Score one for the latter. Saturday, Pacheco won the 800 and 1,500 meters at the Orange County Championships. They were slower, tactical races--he won the 800 in 1 minute 56.11 seconds and the 1,500 in 4:00.29--but Pacheco had plenty left in each.


Craig Kuzmic

* La Quinta, senior. Hit two home runs and had seven runs batted in as the Aztecs beat Los Amigos, 20-1.


Bart Kizierowski

* Mission Viejo, junior. Set meet records winning the 50-yard freestyle in 20.80 and the 100 backstroke in 50.79 at the Mission Viejo Invitational.


Track and field

Bryan Harrison

* Dana Hills, sophomore. Won the 100 meters in 10.59 and the 200 in 21.45 at the Orange County Championships. Both times were wind-aided.


Chris Kosty

* Fountain Valley, senior. Had 23 kills in the Barons’ four-game victory over Huntington Beach that stopped the Oilers’ 61-match Sunset League winning streak.
