
Christian Coalition

Ronald Brownstein’s meticulous account of the Christian Coalition (April 10) offers an alarming insight into the schemes of Pat Robertson’s operatives. I did not realize that God was a Republican and an advocate of the “contract with America.” Robertson would have us believe that God is more concerned with political elections than embracing spiritual harmony.

As equal citizens of this nation, the American Constitution protects everyone’s individual rights, including young (Christian Coalition Executive Director) Ralph Reed’s and his group of militant revisionists. Therefore, they must be challenged through intellectual conversation.

The Robertsons of this country slant their advice by exploiting ignorance and biases. Just as its predecessor, the now-defunct Moral Majority did, the Christian Coalition spells out with brutal clarity how worthless any human being is that does not agree with it. They substitute sectarian religious morality in place of constitutional guarantees allowing individuals to determine how best to live their lives.


The prejudices taught by these ic fundamentalists are powered by a federally supported tax-free budget of donations. As long as these groups are transformed into prosperous organizations--parading under the umbrella of theology while basking in a tax-free haven--they must be held accountable to the public.


