
State Agriculture Secretary Voss

I can’t believe The Times would print an article (April 6) about Henry Voss and his conflict of interest with big agriculture without mentioning his most heinous act against the people of California and in favor of big agriculture: the aerial spraying of malathion over populated areas.

Those of us in the anti-malathion movement did not need to have the details of his conflicts of interest and background as the chief lobbyist for big agriculture to know that he was not a neutral public servant in his role as the head of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Rather, his actions virtually every day, and those of his department, scream that he is the representative of big agriculture able to feed at the public trough in the guise of being a branch of government.


Sherman Oaks

Your story on the financial reporting problems of Food & Agriculture Secretary Henry Voss devoted too much coverage to the speculations of Harry Snyder, from Consumers Union, whose fruit quality bill was defeated in the Legislature last year -- for which Snyder apparently blames Voss.


Snyder supported a bill last year to prohibit state-enforced quality standards in fresh fruit. The bill was carried by an ultraconservative legislator, it was sponsored by the largest tree fruit grower in the world, and it was lobbied by several of the highest priced contract lobbyists in Sacramento. Not the usual line up on a Consumer’s Union bill!

The bill failed, however, because a coalition of grass-roots farmer organizations, child nutrition advocates, and food bank groups convinced the Legislature that the bill would reduce--not enhance--consumption of fresh fruit, especially among children.

Voss’ apparent failure to report certain income as required by our complex reporting laws should not be excused. But failure to report income does not mean he abused his authority as a public official or that he used his office for personal gain. My experience with Voss is that he has served in government with honor and that he is a man of genuine integrity.



Vice Chair, Committee on Agriculture

Assembly, D-Linden
