
Responsible Gun Ownership

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Re “Shooting Holes in Propaganda,” by Duncan Barnes and Vin T. Sparano, Commentary, April 9:

My niece, Rebecca Schaeffer, was killed by a single bullet in the chest from a .357-magnum pistol at close range wielded by a person with a history of mental and emotional instability.

As I and my family tried to recover from the impact of her death, I realized how unjust the world is. Rebecca was an actress with a bright future and, as such, her death received a tremendous amount of publicity. She was beautiful and innocent, and I loved her very much. But I also thought about all the children who had been victims of drive-by shootings whose passing would barely be noticed. They too were beautiful and innocent and every bit as important as my niece, but their deaths were all but forgotten in a matter of days except by their families and friends. And that is a crime.


But my niece and these other innocents were all killed through an irresponsible use of firearms. Personal stability and social responsibility are not demonstrated by proficiency tests, and legal ownership of firearms under the current laws does not provide sufficient evidence of the presence of either stability or good character.

What bothered me about the column was its emphasis upon legality and proficiency rather than sanity and responsibility.

We have a responsibility to ourselves to prevent the misuse of firearms. This requires a change in attitudes, values, and behavior.



West Hollywood

I am in shock! In fact, I continue to reread “Shooting Holes in Propaganda” to make sure I’m not dreaming.

The Times actually granted 21-column inches to an Op-Ed that is in direct opposition to the paper’s position on firearms ownership? Incredible!

And the commentary was written by the editors of two magazines owned by Times Mirror? Unbelievable!


If you’re not careful, you might just find yourself being labeled moderately conservative. But don’t worry, I won’t tell anti-gun zealots Sens. Dianne Feinstein or Barbara Boxer if you don’t.


Garden Grove
