
BOND TICKER : Teachers, Police to Campaign for Half-Cent Sales-Tax Hike

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Teachers and law-enforcement officials are joining forces to gain passage of Measure R, a half-cent sales-tax increase that voters will consider on a special June 27 ballot.

They’ve formed an organization called “Law Enforcement/Teachers to Save Orange County Committee--Yes on Measure R.” John Brimmage, president of the Assn. of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs, and Karen Russell, a Westminster teacher and board member with the California Teachers Assn., were selected as directors.

Committee members said passage of Measure R is crucial for the county to recover from the financial crisis. They predicted that law enforcement agencies and school districts will face more cutbacks if the measure fails.


“Voting yes will cost the average family less than the cost of a Big Mac per month, and without a doubt, it will be better for you, your family and the county,” Brimmage said in a statement released Friday.

Anti-tax activists have vowed to defeat Measure R, saying that the tax is not needed and that the county should instead consider more budget cuts, asset sales and privatization.

Community Forum to Focus on Crisis

The League of Women Voters of Laguna Beach will hold a community forum on the county bankruptcy Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.


League official Jean Raun and Bill Mitchell, chairman of Orange County Common Cause, are scheduled to speak at the forum.

The event will be held at Neighborhood Congregation Church, 340 St. Ann’s Drive in Laguna Beach.

Compiled by Shelby Grad
