
Voice Powered Signs Deal With German Firm

Voice Powered Technology International Inc., a Sherman Oaks maker of devices that respond to voice commands, said it has licensed its technology to a Munich, Germany-based firm that plans to manufacture voice-activated dolls.

Voice Powered has said it will receive a development fee and per-unit royalties from the doll maker, Max Zapf Puppen-und-Speilwarenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG. Voice Powered did not disclose the amount of the fee or the projected earnings from royalties, although a company spokesman said the deal is predicted to have “significant but not substantial” impact on Voice Powered’s revenues.

The voice-activated doll, called “Bonnie,” will sell for between $100 and $150 internationally, and is designed to respond to a child’s spoken words.


It is the first use of Voice Powered’s technology in a toy. The company has previously developed technology for voice-activated videocassette recorders and organizers.
