
Foundation Helps Fight Urban Sprawl

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Unfettered sprawl will make the state less competitive, burden taxpayers with higher costs, degrade the environment, and lower the quality of life for every Californian. These are declarations recently made (“Report Details Ills of Suburban Sprawl in State,” Jan. 31) in a report titled “Beyond Sprawl” published jointly by public and private concerns. The report addresses beliefs long shared by visionary open space and park preservationists who have sought to protect California’s precious natural resources.

Our Golden State’s coastlines, mountains, rivers, lakes, and deserts are like golden eggs laid by the proverbial goose--priceless and irreplaceable state commodities that richly contribute to environmental and economic vitality. While the goose has been abused far too long, it is heartening to know that business interests increasingly embrace the challenge implied in this report: Lest we kill the goose that lays the golden egg, Californians must pursue growth and development that is sustainable, and we must do it together.

The Laguna Canyon Foundation, a nonprofit organization, represents a model coalition of business, government and environmental interests who are doing just that. Having joined forces in 1990 to help secure funding to preserve unique urban wilderness lands located along the Southern California coast, the foundation has been successful at helping to create Laguna Coast Wilderness Park. This new park links three other public parks and private wilderness reserves, totaling over 15,000 contiguous acres along Southern California’s largely developed coast line.


Formation of this public park protects priceless recreational resources and wildlife habitats for generations to come, making good sense both environmentally and economically. Supported by private citizens, environmentalists, government, and business interests such as the Bank America Foundation, GTE California, the Irvine Co., Pacific Mutual Foundation, and Steelcase Foundation, the Laguna Canyon Foundation invites the support of other businesses that wish to help sustain California’s future helping to complete Laguna Coast Wilderness Park.

MICHAEL PINTO, President, Laguna Canyon Foundation
