
LAKE VIEW TERRACE : Dump Again Cited for Unhealthy Conditions

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For the fourth time in three months, officials of the Lopez Canyon Landfill were cited for unhealthful conditions at the dump, an air quality control spokesman said Thursday.

Sixteen residents called the city complaining of a foul odor emitting from the landfill Sunday, according to Tim RuthStiver, of the South Coast Air Quality Management District. The next day, the landfill on Lopez Canyon Road in Lake View Terrace was cited for “discharging such quantities of air contaminants to cause injury, detriment, nuisance or annoyance to a considerable number of persons.”

The Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation, which operates the landfill, was last issued a citation Nov. 30 for the release of raw landfill or methane gas in excess of state minimum standards, according to Assemblyman Richard Katz (D-Sylmar).


The bureau was cited for the same reasons Nov. 21 and 22, he said.

“This is just a continuation of the horror the residents go through,” Katz said. “It just reinforces our commitment to shut it down. The city promised they would shut it down . . . and we want to hold them to it.”

The landfill is scheduled to close next year, Katz said.

“The irony is that a group who were meeting to discuss the Lopez Canyon Landfill were made nauseous by the fumes,” Katz said.

The Bureau of Sanitation could be fined as much as $50,000 for the citation, officials said.
