
Judge Lance Ito

Re “Jurists Give Mixed Scores to Judge Ito’s Performance,” news analysis, Jan. 26:

In 1992 when the Los Angeles County Bar Assn.’s Criminal Justice Section gave Judge Lance Ito the Outstanding Trial Judge of the Year Award, we did so on the basis that he was the best criminal trial judge in Los Angeles County. The section is composed of prosecutors, judges and defense attorneys. In fact, the section had previously nominated Ito for the award the two years prior, but Ito removed his name from consideration.

Judge Ito is one of the most hard-working, conscientious and considerate bench officers we have currently hearing criminal cases. He has the respect and admiration of the attorneys who appear in front of him, as well as his brother and sister judges.

Your article serves as an injustice to the judge as it contains critiques from present and retired judges who do not hear criminal matters, let alone handle a case in front of 100 million lawyer and non-lawyer critics. If the presiding judge of the Criminal Courts thought that there was a more qualified judge to hear the case, you can bet the farm that he would have assigned the case to the judge. In point of fact, Judge Ito is the best there is.



Former Chairman of the L.A. County

Criminal Justice Section


* How long will Judge Ito allow the Dream Team thespian (defense attorney Johnnie Cochran) to “hold court” before reminding him once and for all to get to the point--instead of continuing to act out his legal jargon, making the courtroom his personal stage?

Cochran appears to be trying for an Academy Award under the guise of doing what he can for his client.


Los Angeles
