
Three-Zing Circus

Re Howard Rosenberg’s comments about the circus in TV Times (Jan. 1): You are so right. All animal acts should be abolished. Training animals to jump through hoops and stand on their hind legs is positively disgusting.

Lois Williams, Altadena


While I’m sure it was not Howard Rosenberg’s intention to “STOP” the entire production of “Circus of the Stars,” but only its usage of circus animals, it was quite a shock to wake up to the cover of the Los Angeles Times TV section on New Year’s Day.

Mr. Rosenberg certainly has the right to side with the animal activists, but why would he denigrate the “Walter Mittyism” of the hundreds of TV and movie stars who, over the past 19 years, have trained and rehearsed to make their circus daydreams come true? Perhaps the word he should have used to describe them is “champs”--not “chumps”!


Bunny Stivers, co-creator and co-executive producer, “Circus of the Stars,” Los Angeles
