
LITTLE TOKYO : Fund Established for Japan Quake Victims

The Japan America Society of Southern California has established the Kobe Relief Fund to aid victims of the 6.9-magnitude earthquake that has paralyzed the western Japan city and taken more than 3,100 lives.

“Because of our experiences last year, we in California are especially sensitive to the pain of our sister state. The magnitude of damage and losses in Kobe and Osaka make us realize that as bad as our earthquake was, we were spared the full force of nature,” said Michael C. Mullen, executive director of the organization.

Contributions may be sent to Kobe Relief Fund, c/o Japan America Society of Southern California, 505 South Flower St., Level C, Los Angeles, 90071.


For information about Japanese relatives and friends, contact the Japanese Consulate at (213) 617-6700. The consulate cannot track down missing relatives, but it does have an up-to-date fatalities list, which is posted at the consulate, 350 S. Grand Ave., Suite 1700, Los Angeles.

Information about American citizens in Japan can be obtained through the State Department in Washington, (202) 647-7310 or (202) 647-7311.
