
City Guide


Name: Mayor Joe Erickson

Age: 37

Occupation: Part owner of industrial property management and luggage manufacturing company

First elected: Appointed July, 1991; elected November, 1992

Term expires: November, 1996

Key issues: Interested in crime prevention and gang intervention and wants the city to be competitive by retaining and attracting quality businesses. Would like to see more families own homes and the city operate more efficiently with less money. Accountability of government is also important; urges residents to contact the city with their concerns or ideas.


Mayor Pro Tem: Peter F. Buffa

Age: 46

Occupation: Television producer

First elected: November, 1986

Term expires: November, 1998

Key issues: Wants to maintain same levels of police and fire service in the city and continue the battle against illegal immigration. Wants the federal government to protect the borders. Is interested in strengthening the business base, redeveloping the west side and trying to alleviate the city’s problem with vagrants.


Councilman: Gary Monahan

Age: 35

Occupation: Business manager, Zeb’s Boathouse Inc.

First elected: November, 1994

Term expires: November, 1998

Key issues: Would like to stop crime by adding more police officers to the streets. Wants to lure more well-managed and prosperous businesses to town while working to retain the ones presently doing business in Costa Mesa. Wants to downsize city government by having fewer restrictions and bureaucratic red tape. Fiscal management is also important.



Councilwoman: Mary Hornbuckle

Age: 52

Occupation: Director, Community Pre School of St. Mark Presbyterian Church

First elected: November, 1984

Term expires: November, 1996

Key issues: Would like to resolve the financial troubles incurred by the city in the county’s bond fiasco. Also wants to deal with perceived crime problem in Costa Mesa. Wants more youths involved in activities that are available to them and is concerned with keeping children and families intact. Would like to maintain a positive relationship with the business community.


Councilwoman: Sandra L. Genis

Age: 41

Occupation: Land-use planner

First elected: November, 1988

Term expires: November, 1996

Key issues: Wants residents to have better access to city government; seeking to keep growth in check and maintain city’s suburban atmosphere. Would like to maintain quality of life and financially healthy city. Also wants more police officers on the streets and does not want to build a bridge across the Santa Ana River.


Other Key Officials

City Manager: Allan L. Roeder

Age: 43

In office: Since October, 1985


Police Chief: David L. Snowden

Age: 51

In office: Since December, 1986


City Attorney: Thomas Kathe

Age: 38

In office: Since December, 1989


Fire Chief: Frank Fantino

Age: 50

In office: Since July, 1983


How to Reach Them

Council meets: First and third Monday of each month, 6:30 p.m., at City Hall, 77 Fair Drive


Hours: City Hall, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday

Telephone: (714) 754-5000

Fax: (714) 556-7508


Fast Facts

Motto: Hub of the Harbor

Flower: Fuchsia

Tree: Indian laurel

Incorporation: June 29, 1953

Population: 102,360

Legislative districts: 45th Congressional, 35th State Senate, 70th Assembly, 2nd Supervisorial

Operating budget: $60 million

Council pay: $517.50 per month

City employees: 757; 535 full time and 222 part time

Highest-paid employee: City manager, $121,428

