
Tribute Struck a Personal Chord : Local Rock Heritage

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It was with great interest that I read “Will Bands Follow in Offspring’s Footsteps?” (Jan. 5). Mike Boehm’s article was as insightful as it was informative. I am a relative newcomer to the O.C. music scene, although I have lived here my entire life. My band, Nine Days’ Wonder, has been together and performing for more than a year now.

The stigma attached to a band coming from O.C. over the years has been well deserved. It is a product of our own denial. Hats off to Offspring for acknowledging their O.C. roots. Did anyone call the Stone Temple Pilots on the carpet for claiming to be from San Diego? How about Rage Against the Machine’s claim to be from Los Angeles?

From my perspective, it seems major-label A & R reps are far too reactive and prefer to ride the bandwagon rather than steer. This being the case, it is my fear that they all will come to our town seeking the next Offspring rather than pursuing talented bands whose music may not fit the limited confines.


This being the case, will my brethren have the courage to develop independently and present their own sound? It is more likely that most will transform themselves into variations on the theme, just as the L.A. glam bands of the late ‘70s and early ‘80s emulated their local boys-made-good Motley Crue.

Current trends notwithstanding, Nine Days’ Wonder will continue to cultivate our own sound. Along with our contemporaries Offspring and Water and a diverse host of others, we will forge ahead doing what we love to do. Hopefully others will be as open-minded as Mr. Boehm and will revel in our differences.


Huntington Beach
