
SEAL BEACH : 5 Years Later, Demo Crew Does In Dome

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Almost five years after the 30-foot high observation dome was erected on top of Mark Thompson’s Sandpiper Drive home, it came down.

A contractor hired by Thompson removed the metal dome Monday, ending a long debate about height limits and community aesthetics initiated by next-door neighbor Jerry Andersen.

“I’ve had any number of people tell me over the years that I’d have to live with it,” Andersen said. “I feel vindicated.”


Andersen began a petition drive in 1990 to demand enforcement of the city’s 25-foot height limit after he learned of Thompson’s plans to build the observatory dome. In August, 1993, the City Council ordered Thompson to remove the dome within a year, citing a violation of height limits and zoning laws.

But after several deadlines were passed, the city filed suit Nov. 28 to force the removal of the dome, even though Thompson assured the city he had hired a contractor for the job.

Thompson, a financial adviser, said the space will be covered by a roof that matches the rest of his house. And what will he do with the dome? “I’m going to put it on my neighbor’s house,” Thompson joked, adding that it will be put in storage.


One elderly neighbor watching the dismantling of the dome said that he bears no ill will toward Thompson. “He’s been a good man in the community, and it’s unfortunate the whole thing occurred,” he said. “We just thought this was out of place.”
