
CSUN Plans Talk on Domestic Violence

An hourlong discussion on issues surrounding domestic violence will take place at Cal State Northridge next week as part of a series that addresses community identity in the San Fernando Valley.

Deborah Ishida, supervising physician for CSUN’s Student Health Center, will conduct the discussion, which will include medical advice for battered women, tips on how to avoid incidents leading to abuse and statistics depicting the domestic violence problem throughout the United States.

“About 4 million cases of female battery occur in the U.S. each year,” Ishida said. “Nearly 50% of female murder victims are killed by their current or former partners. More than 25% of women who’ve attempted suicide have suffered from some sort of domestic abuse.


“This is just a forum to try to brainstorm with those in attendance on how to deal with this very large problem. Women are abused all over the world. We need to work on more effective ways to resolve this.”

According to the Los Angeles County Commission for Women, the Los Angeles Police Department responded to nearly 43,000 domestic violence calls in 1993, making about 9,000 arrests. With just under 500 shelter beds available to battered women and children in the county, Ishida decried the manner in which abuse is dealt with locally.

“Higher priority is given to animal shelters than to shelters for battered women,” she said. “Most women will return to their abusers because they simply have nowhere else to go.


“They should not have to be thrown out in the middle of the night with their kids clutching to their shirttails.”

The discussion is part of a university-sponsored monthly series entitled “Who Are We? Does Anyone Know Our Name?” It will take place at noon Tuesday in the Santa Clarita Room of the University Student Union. Admission is free. For information, call (818) 885-2077.
