
Countywide : Avoid Ocean Waters, Health Officials Advise

County health officials are advising beach visitors to stay out of the ocean, particularly near storm drains and creek outlets, for up to three days.

Following a rainstorm, bacteria levels increase significantly in coastal waters, said Robert E. Merryman, county environmental health director.

Large amounts of debris flow into the ocean from storm drains and rivers after a heavy rainfall, Merryman said. The discharge often holds large amounts of bacteria that can be harmful to people.


Officials from the environmental health division of the county Health Care Agency routinely test ocean water after a rainfall. Health officials will close beaches where unusual amounts of bacteria are found.

Merryman added that sewage isn’t usually found in storm runoff because the sewer system is separate from the storm system. For information regarding beach quarantines or to report a sewage spill, call (714) 667-3752.
