
Judy Ovitz, Call Your Agent

Missing that special extra in your movie? Well, consider director Ivan Reitman’s method: Look no further than your agent’s significant other.

Judy Ovitz, wife of CAA chairman Michael Ovitz, will soon be seen in a bit part in Reitman’s offbeat comedy, “Junior.”

In the film, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito play scientists; Judy Ovitz plays a flight attendant in a brief scene.


While Ovitz said that his wife would have no comment, both he and Reitman insist he had nothing to do with her getting the role. Judy Ovitz, a family friend of Reitman’s, also appeared in Reitman’s 1989 “Ghostbusters 2.”

For his part, Reitman says he’ll probably use her again.

“She’s great fun. Besides, I like for people I know to have cameos in my films,” he says. “I think this is the first film I haven’t put my children in!”
