
Westminster : U.S. Agents Join Probe of Texas Loosey’s Fire

Federal investigators on Monday joined local authorities probing an early morning blaze that caused $1 million in damage to a Westminster restaurant.

No one was injured in the fire, which broke out at Texas Loosey’s Chili Parlor & Saloon in the 14000 block of Beach Boulevard shortly after 1 a.m., said Capt. Craig Campbell of the Westminster Fire Department.

Campbell said the cause of the fire is under investigation, with the assistance of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents. The agency is called upon in fire cases involving large losses, Campbell said.


The restaurant was closed at the time and no one was inside, he said.

It took 36 firefighters from four cities about 45 minutes to bring the fire under control, Campbell said. The blaze caused an estimated $700,000 damage to the contents and $300,000 to the building, he said.
