
School Board Should Reflect Electorate

Re: “Ideology Looms Over School Board Races in S. County” (Oct. 10).

So, the “activists” (the media’s word for liberals) are sounding the alarm that some “extremists” (the media’s word for conservatives) could take majority control in two South County school districts. One such activist says: “It’s a question of whether people of a particular religious persuasion should have a right to control” the board.

Well, if this is still America, I’d say the group who gets the most votes has every right to control it. Everyone knows that south Orange County is dominated by conservative Christians, so what’s wrong with a school board of similar demographics and values? Given the ever-increasing problems of illiteracy, gangs, drugs and sex in our schools, it seems that nothing could be worse than what we have now.

M.S. SMITH, Mission Viejo
