
SABADO Seeks to Protect Children

I want to thank (The) Times for (its recent) focus on neighborhood rebuilding needs in the wake of Operation/Roundup in the 3rd Street area.

I need to clarify that Project SABADO (Santa Ana Broad-based Alcohol and Drug Organization) was not involved in Operation Roundup; we have worked in the last six months to build a group, now called Carver Concerned Parents, who are dedicated and active parents working to restore safety for their children.

Carver Concerned Parents have initiated many projects to improve safety for schoolchildren, including a “parent patrol” for safe passage to and from school each day.


SABADO agrees with city leadership that we can’t just “lock them up and throw away the key,” but that we need to invest in building neighborhoods so we do not breed crime.

The Times article reports that both Councilmen (Miguel A.) Pulido Jr. and (Ted) Moreno are asking for resources to rebuild a healthy neighborhood. We salute such positive thinking and recognition of needs for recreation facilities, neighborhood cleanup and renovation and gang-prevention programs.

Youth employment, both training and jobs, are also critical needs. Let’s put jobs, not guns, into the hands of our young people.



Project Coordinator,

Santa Ana Broad-based

Alcohol and Drug Organization
