
David J. Auger Resigns as Publisher of the Daily News

The Daily News of Los Angeles said David J. Auger has resigned from his position as publisher of the newspaper to pursue other interests.

“Dave has done an excellent job at the Daily News, and we are sorry to see him go,” said Larry T. Beasley, president and chief executive.

Beasley, who was hired by the paper in August, said he will assume the duties of publisher “at the present time.”


Auger, 38, had been publisher of the Woodland Hills-based newspaper since August, 1989. He previously served as vice president of marketing for Cooke CableVision Inc., a cable TV company then operated by multimillionaire Jack Kent Cooke, who also owns the Daily News.

Auger also worked for 10 years in the cable division of Warner Communications Inc.

His resignation, which takes effect Oct. 21, follows other recent departures from the Daily News. Editor Robert W. Burdick resigned last month to become managing editor at the Rocky Mountain News in Denver. In August, James Lacher left his position as executive vice president of the Daily News to take another job in the Cooke empire.

Cooke, who owns the Washington Redskins football team, the Chrysler Building in New York and other interests, put the Daily News up for sale earlier this year.
