
LOS ALAMITOS : City Council OKs $5,200 for Transporting Seniors

The city will spend $5,200 for the transportation of seniors participating in the Senior Meals and Services program.

About 18 residents aged 60 and older are taken from their homes Monday through Friday to the Youth Center on Oak Street for the nutrition program and to participate in bingo and other activities.

“It’s important to have them out of their homes and into a social atmosphere,” said Gail Silva, the city’s community services supervisor.


The city contracts with the Orange County Transportation Authority, which in turn has a contract with Dave Transportation, to provide the van service to the seniors, Silva said.

The $5,200 appropriation, approved by the City Council last week, represents the city’s contribution to the transportation program. The OCTA and the county’s Area Agency on Aging also contribute each year to the program.
