
PAUL REALE: First Sonata (1985); Piano Sonata...

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PAUL REALE: First Sonata (1985); Piano Sonata No.2.

AARON COPLAND: Four Piano Blues; Piano Fantasy (1955-57). John Jensen, piano. Music and Arts CD-738. The output of both Copland and Reale is clearly tied to their mainstream, traditionalist forbears, yet distinctly stamped. Jensen conveys the music of Copland’s foray into serialism--the Fantasy--faithfully, as largely cerebral, often uncomfortable, with fits of jazz-influenced musings and improvisational genialities. The Four Blues--gentle miniatures--emerge with little dynamic nuance, but admirable precision and conviction. Reale’s two unpublished sonatas--programmatic, accessible, yet inventive and intelligently constructed--receive straightforward and attentive, if restrained readings.
