

With today’s edition, Business introduces enhanced and expanded coverage of mutual funds and the regional economy.

Every Sunday, the weekly mutual fund listings will show not only the closing net asset value of the top 3,450 funds, but also each fund’s total return over four time periods: the past week, the year to date, two years and five years. The new table begins on D10, where you’ll also find a clear, detailed explanation of how to use the listings.

In addition, Russ Wiles’ “Mutual Funds” column and the weekly charts of best and worst performing funds and fund groups move to the Sunday paper from Monday’s. You’ll find them each week on D4. Kathy Kristof’s column will appear on D6.


Beginning tomorrow, the Monday Business section adds a weekly page devoted to news about Southern California business. “The Region” will include company profiles, news of corporate promotions and a preview of the week ahead. A new graphic report will focus on economic trends across the Southland.
