
NORTHRIDGE : Child-Care Center Guidelines Urged

Prompted by a neighborhood dispute over a proposed day-care center in Northridge, Los Angeles Councilwoman Laura Chick recommended Wednesday that city officials draft guidelines to help determine when a child-care center is appropriate for a residential area.

The Chick motion was prompted by an emotionally charged dispute over a proposal to allow a day-care center for 36 children in a residential area on Devonshire Street in Northridge.

Neighbors of the proposed center opposed the project, calling it a “commercial intrusion.” Upon Chick’s recommendation, the council voted unanimously last week to permit the center for 24 children.


Under current zoning codes, a child-care facility with more than 12 children can only be allowed in a residential area after a public hearing is conducted and a conditional-use permit is approved by city zoning officials.

Chick’s proposal instructs the city’s zoning administrator and child-care coordinator to draft a set of guidelines “to assist Planning Department staff and Council members in making decisions” on child-care facilities.

Chick’s proposal will be considered by the council’s committee on planning and land use sometime in the next month.
